MindWar: The Psychological War on Democracy
Dispatches Podcast
McGonigal, Manning and Mayhem — with High Fidelity

McGonigal, Manning and Mayhem — with High Fidelity

How hacker culture was infiltrated and weaponized to turn the world upside down.

Please join me and my friend RadPod co-host High Fidelity for a wild discussion starting with the indictment of Charles McGonigal and traveling back to Chelsea Manning and Wikileaks to draw a picture of how hacker culture and Anonymous contributed to the insurgency we’re living through — and how they helped steal an election.

Our last podcast is a good introduction to this world. If you haven’t listened in, I recommend it. HiFi has been there from the beginning and his insights are very revealing.

MindWar: The Psychological War on Democracy
Anonymous: Rise, Fall and Payback with High Fidelity
Listen now (69 min) | My friend and co-host High Fidelity joined me for a discussion covering a large swath of internet history with the goal of understanding “Anonymous.” We discuss where it came from, how it was infiltrated and weaponized, and how it ultimately formed the basis for GamerGate, the alt-right, Pizzagate, QAnon, and the catastrophic online radicalization endan…
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MindWar: The Psychological War on Democracy
Dispatches Podcast
Dispatches from the MindWar: A podcast about psyops, cults and the dark operations that enforce malicious narratives.